Netley Hall Wedding Photos


Wedding Photography at Netley Hall


Netley Hall is a grand hall and wedding venue in Shrewsbury. It's the perfect setting to host your wedding day, offering stunning grounds, grand architecture and luxury accommodations.

Hi - I’m Jordan, a wedding photographer in Shropshire, and I recently returned to this popular wedding venue for Annabelle and Matt's special day, so I thought it would be nice to walk you through from bridal preps to the first dance!

Netley hall
Netley hall  wedding venue
Netley hall  wedding venue
Netley hall  wedding venue


Getting ready at Netley Hall

I arrived at the Netley Hall estate around two hours before the ceremony. This is just enough time to get the bridal and Groom preps and take a stroll around the venue before the ceremony takes place.

Matt and his groomsmen were suited and booted nice and early - it turns out they wanted a long session on the snooker table before the guests turned up!

I meet up with Annabelle and her bridesmaids, who are getting their wedding hair on and enjoying a lovely, relaxed hour getting ready. I pop in and out as they're prepping to get some photographs of the wedding ceremony room, plus the finer details that make each wedding unique.

weddings at Netley Hall
Netley hall estate photos
weddings at Netley Hall

wedding dress at Netley hall
wedding photos at Netley hall
grand hall at Netley hall
snooker table at Netley hall
details at Netley hall

The Wedding Ceremony at Netley Hall

I was fortunate to have a second photographer (an odd on in my wedding packages) so we were able to get two viewpoints during the ceremony. Our bridesmaids made their way down the grand hall stairs with Annabelle not far behind! The hall really has an amazing vibe - with those stunning marbled pillars, a fairytale staircase, and those absolutely stunning Waterford crystal chandeliers!

Although the hall has a capacity of 130 for friends and family, it maintains an intimate feel for guests.

After our wedding couple seal the deal we set up outside the house for the traditional confetti shot.

ceremony at Netley hall
bride at Netley hall
bride Netley hall
bride and groom at Netley hall


The Drinks Reception at Netley Hall

The Netley Hall estate is s mere 160 acres so there's certainly plenty of space for guests to mill around and enjoy the stunning views within. As our bride and groom sipped their champagne, I floated around to photograph natural moments before we began the more formal group shots and newlywed portraits.

I really enjoy spending just a short time with the happy couple - nothing is forced and with a little guidance we can get some fantastic photographs to celebrate their wedding. We had exclusive use of the gardens so were able to take a wander around the venue and grounds.

the gardens at Netley hall
confetti at Netley hall
bride and groom
bride throwing bouquet
Netley hall
bridal party

The Wedding Breakfast & Speeches at Netley Hall

This venue offers various choices for your wedding breakfast, including the Brook Suite and the Hope Edwards Suite. We were in the latter, a dazzling indoor marquee adorned with three thousand fairy lights, creating a magical fairy tale setting.

Our married couple opted for speeches after the meal so I used this break to go through the photographs I had captured so far plus enjoyed the amazing food that was kindly put aside for me.

Annabelle and Matt sat on ornate chairs akin to a scene from Game of Thrones and were entertained by some really touching speeches from friends and family. The speeches are always a daunting yet exciting part of weddings and often produce some of the most emotive photos of your big day. I love to capture these moments from both the speaker's and the couple's perspective.

groom at Netley hall
netley hall estate
photographs at Netley hall
netley hall estate

The Evening Reception at Netley Hall

There's an inevitable lull straight after the wedding breakfast as guests overcome a carb and alcohol-infused meal! I take this moment to grab any additional shots that the bride and groom require whilst my second photographer captures any impromptu shenanigans that invariably happen when the best man orders a few shots from the bar!

Our evening guests begin to trickle in and have our time-honoured wedding tradition of the cake cutting straight into the first dance.

Annabelle's dad then turns up in an inflatable dinosaur costume which was a fun way to bring a party vibe to the dance floor!

I like to stick around for a while to capture some crazy shapes from our perfectly formal daytime guests who somehow morph into party animals!

I say goodbye to Annabelle and Matt and thank them for having me photograph on their big day.

netley hall estate
table decor at netley hall estate
wedding cake
table decoration
dance floor
first dance
dance floor photography

Final Thoughts

Netley Hall is the perfect venue to host your special day. Located in rural Shropshire, it's one of the most popular wedding venues for those who want quality, style and fine decor. For more information about Netley Hall visit their website.

netley hall Shropshire

Who is Jordan?

Jordan is a professional wedding photographer based in Shropshire. With a light and airy style, she offers relaxed photography with some amazing portraits to remember your wedding by. If you're getting married at Netley Hall (or even getting married abroad) and would like to talk about your wedding photography options, get in touch today.


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If you’re getting married then a big congratulations. Get in touch to discuss your wedding photography