Party Games Hen Do


Fun Hen Party Games for 2025


If you've been tasked with organising a hen party for the bride-to-be and her girls, you may start feeling the pressure - this party needs to be all singing, all dancing, full of full but on top of that, classy! Life's hard enough without the added pressures of compiling a bunch of games that fit the bill.

That's where I come in! Yes, I'm a wedding photographer, but also I'm a keen game enthusiast, and I love organising things! Naturally, I'm super classy so I'm covering all bases!

So let's jump head first into some classy hen party games (and maybe a few trashy thrown in for good measure!)

hen party games
best hen party games
hen party games
hen games


Ice-breaking Classics

Often, not all hens will know each other so starting with some fast, easy to grasp, minimal rules ice-breakers can help ease any tensions and get the hen party fun needle moving.

hen games

5 Second Rule

This is a fast-paced group game that brings the laughs quicker than you can say "pass the parcel". Your hens have just five seconds to name three items such as 3 famous actors, 3 types of cheese, name 3 things beginning with the letter W. Sounds simple - but the sands of time wait for no hen and the pressure mounts!

If you'd like to add a touch of filth to proceedings then consider the Uncensored version where the questions are geared to ignite the devil in you!


Don't Say it

hen party game

No need to pop into the shops for this one! Simply decide upon a taboo word that no one is allowed to say. Ideally, something that all the hens will be itching to say like "wedding", "dress" or " who's pinched my f'in gin?" (I gest). Should anyone say the word, decide upon a forfeit depending on the type of group you are in:

An Impression of one of the hens
Truth or dare
Convince a stranger you're a famous celebrity
Pop an ice cube down your dress - let it melt.

You get the idea!

This is a fun game that can run the entire night - just don't let your guard down!



drinking games

Here's another game that you can purchase ahead of time and the results are nothing short of hilarious. It's called Scrawl and the idea is simple:

You draw something, and the next person looks at it and writes what they think it is. This is passed on to the next person who attempts to draw that answer. This continues around the whole group until we've come full circle. Essentially, it's like a very funny Chinese whispers but with hilarious pictures.

The starting items to draw within this game are a little racy so if you'd prefer a classy hen party game, go for Telestrations which is the same format but safe enough if you have conservative family members present.


Hen Party Games

hen party game

Prosecco Pong

A classic hen party game where girls can remain classy with flutes full of fizz and a ping pong ball or two. Set up two sets of glasses, divide into two teams, land your ball in the opposing team's cup/flute after a bounce or two and win that glass to knock back like a champ. The perfect hen party game with a touch of sophistication. Switch to champagne if you've got the budget!


Toilet paper wedding dress challenge

A true classic game in the making! After you've mastered beer pong (champagne or prosecco) your bride-to-be and party hens will be in good spirits (drunk enough) to be wrapped up in toilet roll! Divide your party into groups, chuck around a few toilet rolls each, start the clock and let your ladies create a wedding dress good enough for the big day!

After the allotted time, have your delicately dressed ladies parade their Andrex masterpieces where someone is awarded a meaningful/embarrassing/or downright luxurious prize (depending on your vibe).

Looking for a classy version? Simple. Switch out the 2-ply Asda bog roll for some fancy 3-ply Waitrose sheets. You're welcome!

classic hen party game

The Name Game

OK - this game is quite simply the best (and free) hen party game you could wish for.

You want around 25 blank cards/slips of paper. Divide these between your hens and have them write down ANYTHING. This could be a famous person, a landmark, something associated with the bride-to-be, or something completely random like "that cute guy at the coffee shop"

The cards are shuffled. The hens split into two groups. The game is based on 5 rounds (or just do the first 3 if you prefer but the funniest rounds are 4 and 5).

Just like common Guess the Word games, one person plays Clue Giver but each round gets harder:

Round 1 - clue giver can give any clues and actions
Round 2 - clue giver can only say one word!
Round 3 - clue giver can't say anything - only mime.
Round 4 - clue giver can only make a statue (hens close their eyes whilst the clue giver prepares)
Round 5 - clue giver can only make noises - no words nor gestures!

When round one is completed, shuffle all the cards and they'll be used for the next round. Trust me - it's a wonderful hen party game that will have your team in stitches! The winning team gets a prize/loser gets a few hen party dares.

The original game if you want to buy it is called Times Up and I believe, we've made up the last two rounds :-)

party games

Favourite or funniest memory

On the hunt for free hen party games? Let this tick your hen party box! Every hen pops down on a piece of paper the favourite, funniest memory of the bride-to-be or first impression if you wish. Our star of the show has to work out who wrote what. Hen games like this keep the spotlight firmly on our VIP and create talking points for the rest of the evening (and into the wedding depending on how revealing the answers are!).

drinking games

Cocktail Making

Hen parties that are creative enjoy drinking their homework, this one is for you! Set up a couple of gin bars with two or three types of alcohol, and some mixers and let your hens get clucking. Your bride-to-be gets to vet each libation and you can work a way of turning this into a hen party drinking game!

hilarious games

The Water Game

If there were an Olympics for hilarious hen party games, this, my friends would win Gold, silver and bronze!

Each round, someone decides upon a topic (countries, counties, girl's names, days of the week, whatever). This person then writes down their answer on a post-it note and folds it up for safekeeping. Then grabs an egg cup of water or a glass full if you want to up the antee! Go round your circle of hens and ask them for their answer. If their answer is the same as what's written down, they get a face full of water!

Here are some tips for this hen party game: Opt for topics with a limited number of answers, such as days of the week or numbers from 1 to 20, to add an exciting element of suspense! Consider replacing water with either hen party dares or shots for added fun and excitement.


Bridal Bingo

You have two options for this bridal party game:

Classy game - create a bingo card for each lady that has various traits in each box - owns a cat, hates flying, fancies the groom and all the girls work the room, crossing off each trait when they find someone that matches. Call bingo to win when you've completed the card.

Naughtier version - create your bingo card filled with cheeky/risque tasks that are appropriate for the location you're in. E.g., create a conga, get the DJ to play I'm Getting Married in the Morning, line up ten kisses for the mrs, you get the idea. In the box, there is a random number and when a number is called, you have to fulfil your challenge and cross it off on completion. Let's get the party started!

Don't Get Got

If you're on a hen weekend and looking for a way to spice things up on a night out, consider this mission-based game which you can buy online (or create your own). When a simple game of pass the parcel just won't do, you require an interactive experience that unfolds like a captivating cameo appearance from your beloved movie star!

Much like bridal bingo, all the guests will be given a list of tasks that they have to complete but the difference here is the challenges are kept a secret. If someone calls you out whilst attempting the task, you fail that task. Game ideas include:

  • Getting a hen to compliment you on your hair

  • Making up a word and have one of the hens ask you what it means

  • Get a hen to wink at you on the dance floor

    The initial instinct may be to tackle your tasks right away, but that's when everyone is on high alert. Instead, take your time, have a few drinks and let the hens lose their guard! Playing the long game is the key to success

perfect game for hen party

Hen Party Piñata

The best hen party games are those that involve hen party forfeits, a few drinks and a few ping pong balls. Wrong. The perfect game to get the party starter by releasing pent-up aggression on a phallic object or if you prefer a more elegant option, a heart-shaped alternative.


Never have I Ever

party games for hen parties

Look, I know I said classy hen night games but it's late, all the hens have come out of their shell so let's see if we can push the envelope a little further. I'm sure you've all played Never Have I Ever before and if not:* One hen starts with something they've never done before (if the others have, then they hold up their hand or take a shot. The first person with ten fingers or unable to recite the lord's Prayer backwards is crowned the winner/loser.

Some examples of a classy version of this would be:

  • Never have I ever... been skydiving

  • broken a bone

  • gone bungee jumping

  • been to a music festival

Cheekier questions include:

  • Had sex in a public place

  • Sent a sext to the wrong person

  • Pretended to be single when you were actually taken


Fancy Dress

Asking your hens to come in fancy dress can fast-track the fun because it's an instant conversation start as your hen guests arrive.

Here are a few themes to get you started:

  • Disney Princesses

  • Superheroes

  • Movie characters

  • Decades (60s, 70s, 80s)

  • Pop stars

Plenty of fun to be had with your fancy dress accessories too.

Don't forget to take plenty of snaps of all the girls and dump all the pictures in your Whatsapp group the night after.


Hen Party Scavenger Hunt

So you've had your cocktail-making challenge, a saucy game of Mr and Mrs, now what? Have your hen party guests work for their beverages by organising a scavenger hunt around town.

So what do you need to make it happen?

  • A list of items or challenges for the hens to complete

  • A time limit

  • A prize for the winner (and maybe some consolation prizes)

You can personalise this game depending on your location. For example, if you're in a seaside town, include items like seashells or seaweed. If you're in a big city, include landmarks and famous buildings.

Other examples include:
Sing to a stranger
Get a photo in the men's toilet
Get the DJ to play the bride-to-be's favourite song

This will certainly generate a few laughs on your hen weekend..

Fun Hen Party Games Final Thoughts

There are plenty of hen do games in here to last a few weddings - some cheap, some risque and some darn right stupid. Yet, the true key to kick-starting the hen party lies in bringing everyone together through a shared experience that will forge lasting memories and inside jokes to be cherished in future celebrations.


About Jordan Fox

Jordan is a professional wedding photographer, a lover of party games, video challenges and...champagne.

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Jordan Fox


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