Mr and Mrs Questions for Wedding


Over 100 questions to use for this popular wedding day game!


This is a hoot and a half to include in any wedding. It's really catching on with couples who enjoy adding a dash of fun to their big day. And the best part? Your guests get a whole 5 minutes to revel in this lighthearted jest at your expense! Trust me, it's all for laughs and it just makes your wedding that much more unforgettable!

Firstly, for those who haven't experienced the Mr and Mrs quiz, let me explain the format:

Mr and Mrs questions
Mr and Mrs questions
Mr and Mrs questions
Mr and Mrs questions


Mr and Mrs game: How it works

So here's how it goes down: The lovebirds - our bride and groom (or bride and bride or groom and groom) - sit with their backs to each other, each holding one of their own shoe and one of their partners. Now comes the fun part!

We have someone (usually a close friend or family member) play the role of quizmaster. They'll throw many questions at the couple, all about their quirks, likes, dislikes, funny stories - you name it! The couple then lifts the shoe that corresponds to the answer. If it's about them, they lift their own shoe, and if it's about their partner, they lift their partner's shoe.

The real fun begins when both of them lift the same shoe! It means they're totally in sync and know each other like the back of their hand. And let me tell you, the more the shoes match, the more everyone rolls with laughter. Trust me, it's an absolute riot and a surefire way to make your wedding unforgettable!

Mr and Mrs quiz questions

100+ Questions for Mr and Mrs Quiz

(also known as the shoe game)

  1. Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?

  2. Who is the better cook?

  3. Who is more likely to deal with a spider?

  4. Who is the messier one?

  5. Who is more likely to forget the wedding anniversary?

  6. Who said 'I love you' first?

  7. Who is more likely to make up after a fight?

  8. Who is the better dancer?

  9. Who is more romantic?

  10. Who is more fashion-forward?

  11. Who can hold their liquor better?

  12. Who is more likely to lose their keys?

  13. Who is better at saving money?

  14. Who has better taste in music?

  15. Who is the better driver?

  16. Who is better at keeping secrets?

  17. Who proposed to whom?

  18. Who drools more in their sleep?

  19. Who snores the most?

  20. Who has more clothes?

  21. Who is more likely to check their phone during a movie?

  22. Who is the funnier one?

  23. Who is more likely to ask for directions?

  24. Who made the first move?

  25. Who is the bigger flirt?

  26. Who is more likely to get lost in a new city?

  27. Who is more likely to burn the toast?

  28. Who spends more time on social media?

  29. Who has the weirder family?

  30. Who is more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?

  31. Who is pickier about where to eat?

  32. Who is more likely to kill a plant?

  33. Who is more obsessed with their phone?

  34. Who takes more selfies?

  35. Who is more likely to be running late?

  36. Who has a better singing voice?

  37. Who has been in more car accidents?

  38. Who is more likely to bring home a stray puppy?

  39. Who is more forgetful?

  40. Who is more likely to start an argument?

  41. Who is more likely to fall asleep during a movie?

  42. Who is the bigger baby when sick?

  43. Who is more likely to cry in a movie?

  44. Who is more likely to lose at a board game?

  45. Who has more exes?

  46. Who is more of a morning person?

  47. Who is more likely to be found reading?

  48. Who is more likely to get a parking ticket?

  49. Who spends more time in front of the mirror?

  50. Who is more likely to get sunburned?

  51. Who is more likely to be a drama queen?

  52. Who is more likely to initiate a kiss?

  53. Who gives the best gifts?

  54. Who is more likely to drop their phone in the toilet?

  55. Who is more likely to forget a birthday?

  56. Who is more likely to buy something unnecessary?

  57. Who is more likely to plan a surprise party?

  58. Who is more likely to binge-watch a TV show?

  59. Who has a bigger sweet tooth?

  60. Who is more likely to laugh at the wrong moment?

  61. Who is more likely to go skinny dipping?

  62. Who is more likely to sing in the shower?

  63. Who is more likely to order a takeaway?

  64. Who spends more time in the bathroom?

  65. Who is more likely to talk to animals?

  66. Who is more likely to go back to an ex?

  67. Who is more likely to cry at a wedding?

  68. Who is more likely to oversleep?

  69. Who is more likely to dance in the rain?

  70. Who is more likely to get a tattoo on a whim?

  71. Who is more likely to buy a pet without asking?

  72. Who has a better sense of direction?

  73. Who is more likely to lose the remote control?

  74. Who is more likely to order dessert at a restaurant?

  75. Who is more likely to forget where they parked their car?

  76. Who is more organized?

  77. Who is more likely to try exotic food?

  78. Who is more likely to win a game of chess?

  79. Who is more likely to get scared while watching a horror movie?

  80. Who is more likely to fall while walking?

  81. Who is more likely to spend all their money on something silly?

  82. Who is more likely to walk out of a movie because it was bad?

  83. Who is more likely to forget to pay a bill?

  84. Who is more likely to throw a fit during a game of Monopoly?

  85. Who is more likely to trip on nothing?

  86. Who is more likely to forget to put the toilet seat down?

  87. Who is more likely to cry at a beautiful sunset?

  88. Who is more likely to quit their job on a dare?

  89. Who is more likely to lose a bet?

  90. Who is more likely to believe in ghosts?

  91. Who is more likely to send a text to the wrong person?

  92. Who is more likely to break a world record?

  93. Who is more likely to volunteer for charity?

  94. Who is more likely to get a movie reference wrong?

  95. Who is more likely to eat a whole pizza by themselves?

  96. Who is more likely to win a dance competition?

  97. Who is more likely to keep their New Year's resolution?

  98. Who is more likely to get lost in a shopping mall?

  99. Who is more likely to start a food fight?

  100. Who is most likely to say I'm sorry

  101. Who is more likely to be the first one on the dance floor?

  102. Who is more likely to watch a romantic movie willingly?

  103. Who is more likely to finish the other's sentence?

  104. Who is more likely to take longer shopping?

  105. Who is more likely to forget to turn off the lights?

  106. Who is more likely to initiate a conversation with a stranger?

  107. Who is more likely to overpack for a trip?

  108. Who is more likely to go on an unplanned adventure?

  109. Who is the best dancer

  110. Who is the best cook

mr mrs quiz
favourite drink Mr mrs quiz

A few naughty ones

For those looking for alternative Mr and Mrs questions that will have Nanna blushing:

  1. Who trumps the loudest?

  2. Who has the most kinky fantasy?

  3. Who is more likely to initiate sex in a public place?

  4. Who is more likely to watch porn without the other knowing?

  5. Who is better at dirty talk?

  6. Who has the worst morning breath?

  7. Who is more adventurous in bed?

  8. Who spends more time grooming their intimate areas?

  9. Who has the weirdest orgasm face?

Mr and Mrs game at wedding
wedding Mr and Mrs questions

Why does the Mr and Mrs Quiz work so well?

I think the real success here is allowing the bride and groom (or the happy couple) to allow their guests to revel in their embarrassment whilst giving them some insight into their relationship. Whether this is finding out their most embarrassing moment, celebrity crush or who made the first move, it provides hilarious results (which your photographer will love to capture) and also shows that your newlyweds don't take themselves too seriously.

How many questions should you ask in Mr and Mrs?

I guess there is a temptation to milk this fun game for all it's worth however, the key to its success is knowing when to stop before the audience gets bored. Your quizmaster will have to judge the room and ideally, finish with the ultimate question right at the end. There would be no harm in having too many questions written down and then just cutting some on the spot if time is running short. As a rough guide, around 10-15 questions should be enough to keep the audience entertained without dragging it out for too long.


What are good Mr and Mrs Questions?

Mr and Mrs quiz questions

The real key to making this game the best it can be is first, knowing your couple well enough to pick and choose the juiciest questions possible and secondly, keeping it light-hearted. These should be the kind of questions that would make your grandmother giggle but not squirm (too much) in her seat. The perfect balance between cringe-worthy and hilarious is where you'll find the most success. So don't be afraid to get personal, but also be mindful of not crossing any lines or making anyone feel attacked because they have the worst habits

The best Mr and Mrs Questions game I've seen is when the quiz master starts nice and gentle and then ramps up the intensity with a few risque questions towards the end. This makes for a great build-up of laughter and will keep everyone on their toes.


Turn it into a drinking game?

if you want to add to the hilarity, you could introduce a few shots any time a couple aren't in agreement with each other! This may force them to be extra honest with their answer if they don't want to end up legless before their first dance! Although there's no wrong answer in this game, my favourite part is seeing the couple's reactions to how well they know each other. The competitive streak always comes out, even on their wedding day!

When would you play the Mr and Mrs Quiz Game?

Typically, I've seen this played towards the end of the wedding breakfast. Whether this is in the same room or perhaps outside whilst the room turnaround occurs. There's no real set-up required other than two chairs maybe for Mr Mrs to be sat on. You just need your wedding guests gathered around for the fun to begin.

Mr and Mrs quiz questions

It makes for a great speech alternative

If you've been tasked with making a speech for the groom or bride-to-be and are struggling with either nerves, content or both, suggest this game to your couple. Public speaking is no easy task and the Mr and Mrs quiz provides you with a fun alternative to an awkward speech.

Just go through the extensive Mr and Mrs game questions, choose whichever you think will play out the best and you've got yourself a memorable speech replacement that will produce the funniest answers!

The Shoe Game at a Wedding

You know, the Mr and Mrs Quiz game is sometimes called the Shoe game. But guess what? You don't always have to use shoes! I've been to weddings where they've jazzed it up a bit by using cut-out masks of themselves instead. It's such a fun, personal touch, don't you think? But no matter what you use, the heart of the game stays the same. It's all about letting your hair down, getting a sneak peek into the couple's relationship, and sharing a whole lot of laughs along the way. Sounds like a blast, right?

funny Mr and Mrs questions


There we have it, a comprehensive look at the Mr and Mrs Questions that will help make your upcoming wedding a roaring success. Expect fun, big laughs and competitive streaks to come out, but most importantly, expect to see just how strong the bond is between your newlyweds. We've provided you with some standard questions but don't be afraid to get creative and add your own personal touch. Whether it's a small intimate wedding or a big extravagant affair, the Mr and Mrs Quiz game is sure to be a hit.


Who is Jordan?

Jordan is a professional wedding photographer who has seen a few Mr and Mrs quizzes in her time! Based in the Midlands, her favourite subject is kittens, her favourite pizza is mozzarella and her guilty pleasure is watching Married at First Sight! Her favourite movie is The Little Mermaid, her favourite band is Rilo Kiley whilst her first job was working for WH Smiths! Three words she uses all the time are "so basically, yeah"

She would invite Christopher Hitchings, Dwight from the Office and Harrison Ford to a dinner party! Her favourite alcoholic drink is a smokey Old Fashioned.


Hyde House Wedding Photos
Romantic Wedding Photos

quirky mr and mrs


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